New York–based yoga teacher Tess Koenig is staying in right now—and encouraging everyone she knows to as well—and currently playing with some sequences to keep her body moving, minus any disturbing of the neighbors in her apartment building. The best news is the moves are super simple, you don’t have to be good at yoga, and you don’t need anything but your body (yes, even sneakers and a mat are optional). Here’s what she shared:
To Start:
Try 10 reps of each and repeat, or if you really want to kick it up a notch, try 10 reps of each, as many rounds as possible in eight minutes.
Good Mornings:
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands placed behind your head, with elbows wide so shoulder blades are integrated onto your back. Stand upright and brace your core, think belly button to spine. Take a breath in and hinge forward from your hips, not your waist, allowing a slight bend in your knees, while keeping your back as flat as possible. Think about moving your tailbone behind your heels as opposed to squatting. Exhale to come back upright. If you don’t feel it in your hamstrings, you’re not sending your butt back far enough.
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Inchworm Plank Into Shoulder Taps:
Start by standing tall, hinge at your hips and keep your legs as extended as possible as you reach your arms down toward the ground. Walk your hands away from your feet, entering a plank position with shoulders stacked over wrists. Brace your core, keeping hips steady, tap your left shoulder with right fingertips and right shoulder with left fingertips. Walk your hands back to feet, keeping legs extending as you crawl, and return to standing tall.
Alternating Low-Lunge Twists:
Start in plank pose. Step with your right foot outside of your right hand. Reach your right hand to the sky, twisting from your midsection and looking at your right fingertips as you twist. Replace the right hand and return to plank. Repeat on left side. Try your best to keep your bottom shoulder relaxed on your back and away from your ears as you twist. It’s a slow and controlled movement!
Squat Thrusters:
Start in plank position with feet hip-width distance and shoulders stacked over wrists. Jump feet outside of hands into a squat position and press palms together at the heart’s center, lifting your chest tall as hips stay low. Bring palms back to ground and hop to plank. If you want to modify it, step feet outside of hands and back to plank.
Down Dog Tricep Push-Ups:
Begin in down dog with your hands shoulder-width apart and feet hip-width distance apart, with the hips raised up and back so that your body forms an inverted V. Roll forward to a plank position, shoulders stacked over wrists and hips in-line with shoulders. Lower halfway with elbows hugging ribs, press back to plank and send hips up and back to down dog. For a modification, lower knees in push-up.