
Can Fat Get Rid of Bra Strap Grooves?

Can Fat Get Rid of Bra Strap Grooves? featured image

If you’re unhappy with how large your breasts are and you’re considering (or have had) a breast reduction, you’re probably also unhappy with the grooves and indentations that can become etched in your shoulders. Overly large and heavy breasts are known to leave behind marks on the body, and there may be a new way to erase these grooves. 

According to a study published in Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 10 female patients were treated with fat injections to correct the look of bra strap grooves on their shoulders. The patients also received breast reduction at the same time of the fat injections (the fat was harvested from the stomach) and a dramatic change was noticed in the subjects.

Eugene, OR, plastic surgeon Mark Jewell, MD, says, “Fat injections may be a useful option to correct bra strap grooves. Typically, more than one injection session is needed. But, fat as a tissue filler provides the best way of improving deep grooves caused by years of bra wear. It’s hard to say how long the results will last, but it will probably be about one year.”

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