
New Single Dose Treatment for Breast Tumors a Success in Mice Trial

New Single Dose Treatment for Breast Tumors a Success in Mice Trial featured image
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Imagine a world where we can eliminate a breast tumor with just one dose of medication. Well, we’re getting even closer to that reality, thanks to a breakthrough study. Researchers published results from a new treatment in ACS Central Science. The results show a single dose eliminated small breast tumors and shrank larger ones in mice.

Prior research powers this new study, which developed a small molecule called ErSO. That molecule was able to kill estrogen receptor-positive cancer cells, but undesirable side effects led to more testing. The new research examines a derivative, ErSO-TFPy. This new molecule can kill cancer cells and shrink large tumors. It was also well tolerated by mice, rats and beagles.

“It is very rare for a compound to shrink tumors in mouse models of breast cancer, let alone completely eradicate those tumors with a single dose, so we are eager for ErSO-TFPy to advance for treatment of breast cancer,” says study author and chemist Paul J. Hergenrother.

More testing is the next step. And researchers note that if human patients experience similar results, breast tumor treatment could change for the better. Right now, estrogen-receptor-positive cancers are treated through hormone therapy alongside options like radiation and chemotherapy.

“An anticancer regimen that consists of a single dose, or a handful of doses, could change the face of breast cancer treatment,” the study explains.

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