
The One Concealer Alicia Silverstone Swears By for Covering Dark Circles

The One Concealer Alicia Silverstone Swears By for Covering Dark Circles featured image

Alicia Silverstone doesn’t look at day over 30. Maybe it’s thanks to her completely natural beauty routine, or maybe it’s genetics, but 41 has never looked so good.

In an interview with The New York Times, the Clueless star shared that her entire beauty regimen—from her cleanser to her blush—is natural. But Silverstone doesn’t just go by what Sephora tells us is “green”—she’s found her own niche, under-the-radar favorites that work for her skin including brands like Garden Apothecary, Tammy Fender, One Over One, W3LL People, Maison Jacynthe and Josh Rosebrook.

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Her skin care routine includes cleansing with an oil-based cleanser and then following with a toner. The next step for the majority of us would be a moisturizer or hydrator, but Silverstone skips it. “For actual moisturizer, I use oils,” she says, adding that Garden Apothecary’s Higher Ground ($108), Pai Rosehip BioRegenerate Oil ($40) and Josh Rosebrook Active Infusion Serum ($75) are her go-tos for glowing, hydrated skin.

Makeup is a huge part of any actress’s life, but this one isn’t a fan. “I very, very rarely put makeup on if I’m not working,” Silverstone says, adding that if she is going out, she’ll put some of her minimal favorites on. But, her “going-out” makeup is likely much different than what you have in mind. Namely, she doesn’t use foundation. Instead, she reaches for a natural concealer and swipes it only where she needs it. “I eat really clean, and you can see it in the skin, but sometimes you need a little concealer to cover dots here and there.” Her must-have is Ecco Bella Flowercolor Cover Up ($22), a chemical- and fragrance-free option she says is great for concealing under the eyes.

In the discussion of whether or not clean options are better for our skin, green beauty has received equal amounts of hype and flack. But, if Silverstone’s complexion is any indication of how well natural products work, we’re all in.

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