
5 Easy Tips to Look Your Best on Your Next Zoom Call

5 Easy Tips to Look Your Best on Your Next Zoom Call featured image
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Virtual meetings have become the norm for company calls, brainstorms or casual chats with friends during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some helpful tips in order to look your best and feel confident during your new routine calls.  

Practice Self Care
Start with basic self care. Brush your teeth, wash your face, style your hair and put on a flattering top (your pajama pants can stay on!). You will automatically look more refreshed, awake, and prepared in front of the camera. In times like these, makeup seems to be optional, but if it makes you feel more confident and prepared, go for it!

Angles and Lighting
Angle your camera to be at eye level or higher. This slims the face and provides the most complimentary angle of your face. If you angle the camera lower, your face will look disproportionately large, especially with computer cameras that are already set at a wide angle. Natural or warm lighting is most flattering and works best in front of you. If it is behind you, it will wash you out and render a dark, faded image of yourself on the screen.

Settle on a Setting
You want to be the focus of the call, not your background. Find a background with minimal decorations or interior. If there isn’t such a space in your home, you can set your Zoom background as a static photo. Additionally, find a quiet place to have your call, without other people and distractions, so you and your attendees can focus on the matters at hand.

Check Your Tech
Having a strong Wifi connection, clear camera and microphone are imperative to looking your best for virtual calls. It’s hard to look professional with a blurry camera or poor sound quality! A strong internet connection will allow your camera to emit a clearer, less pixelated image of you, as well as ensuring you won’t miss a thing.

Utilize Zoom’s Secret Feature
Do you not have enough time to get ready before your call?  If you click on the gear icon in Zoom settings, then click on “Video,” you will see a “Touch up my appearance” option, which gives you a natural-looking smoothness and glow without having to put any effort in!

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