
Poll: What’S Your Ideal Breast Size?

Poll: What’S Your Ideal Breast Size? featured image

We all have our own idea of what the perfect breast size should be. Some like smaller breasts and some like larger breasts. But sometimes we’re not born with the cup size that we want and that’s where breast implants come in.

Breast implants give us the freedom to get the cup size that we want the most and feel fits us best. While there’s a lot to consider with breast implant surgery, like what doctor and what type of implant to get, we typically first decide what size we want them to be.

So tell us, what’s do you think is the most desirable breast size? Respond to our survey below!


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Related Links:
Top 5 Breast Implant Myths: What’s True or False?
Fat Transfer is a Good Alternative to Breast Implants

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