
The Benefits of Blepharoplasty

The Benefits of Blepharoplasty featured image
Photo Credits: Thinkstock

The aging path of the eyes is quite complex—it starts with lines and wrinkles and progresses, over the years, encompassing loose skin, volume loss and even changes in shape. If your eyes are starting to show their age, you don’t have to accept what’s looking back at you in the mirror. An eyelift (blepharoplasty) is today’s top eye-rejuvenating procedure—and for good reason. Read on for the pros—and cons too—associated with eyelift procedures.

The Pros
Results are more natural-looking than ever. “When rejuvenating the eye area, expression in the brows and upper and lower lids should be maintained,” says New York oculoplastic surgeon Joseph A. Eviatar, MD. 

Recovery is fairly easy. One of the more tolerable facial surgeries, blepharoplasty is said to not be too painful, and only takes one to two weeks to recover. 

The eyes heal well. The skin on the eyes heals quickly. “The scars blend in with the natural creases in the eyelids so they’re less conspicuous,” says La Jolla, CA, plastic surgeon Robert Singer, MD.

The Cons
You may need to have the procedure repeated in future years. Surgery doesn’t stop the eyes from aging—they just progress from a new starting point. Some patients opt for a secondary procedure to get additional refinement.

You may not be happy with the results right away. Don’t be intimidated if you don’t love the results immediately. “You’ll likely be bruised and swollen and the eyes can be itchy and dry,” says Dr. Singer. “I always forewarn patients about this—give it a good few weeks.”

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