
An Anti-Aging Sheet Mask For Your Hands

An Anti-Aging Sheet Mask For Your Hands featured image

Let’s Just Get to the Point:
Anti-aging skin care isn’t just for the face. SIO Handlift ($45) adheres to the hands overnight to help tighten and hydrate skin. Best of all, they’re reusable, so results will build (and lines will shrink) all as you sleep.

If You Want to Know More:
The idea of an “anti-aging skin-care regimen” probably conjures up images of sunscreen, fancy serums, and maybe even a little Botox, all of which are great places to start. But once you have the face of a baby’s bottom, it’s time to turn to the rest of the body. That’s where SIO, short for Skin Innovation Overnight, comes in.

Along with masking patches meant to lift brows and smile lines, SIO is here to turn back the clock with HandLift. The two reusable patches fit along the backs of hands, from knuckles to an inch or two below the wrist depending on your hand size. Place the patches on both hands before bed to hydrate skin and plump lines throughout the night. Like a sheet mask for the hands, these patches are meant to provide a boost of hydration and rebuild the skin’s moisture barrier, protecting against the crepey skin that’s a telltale sign of aging.

In practice, putting on the patches made me feel a bit like Spiderman suiting up to shoot cobwebs, and I mean that as a compliment. They fit well even over my doll-size hands, leaving me with an inch of hydration past my wrists. Unlike a traditional sheet mask, these are meant to stay on skin all night. A gentle adhesive ensure that the patches don’t slide around or slip off while you sleep. In fact, the patches remind me of something many women will be familiar with—the so-called “flower petals” meant to keep everything in place in a strapless, backless dress. Much like with a flower petal, I immediately forgot the patches were there. I fell asleep, and woke up feeling like I had slept in skin-softening gloves.

Since anti-aging isn’t a one night only process, each patch is reusable (according to the packaging, up to 15 times.) Use a gentle cleanser like micellar water to wick off any sweat or debris incurred during the night, then pop them right back onto the adhesive packaging until next time. The price may be steep for compared to the sheet masks we’re used to buying, but factor in the reusable aspect and you’re down to less than $3 per use. And we know your hands worth at least $3.

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