There’s nothing worse than facing a full face of breakouts and pimply skin as an adult. It used to be believed that once you left the teenage world that you’re skin would be totally clear and bump-free forever. That was until your hormones wreck your skin as an adult. And, to make matters worse, adult acne is an epidemic with statistics that just keep rising.
The standard protocol for treating adult acne typically includes a combination of different therapies (also known as combination therapy) with anything from oral antibiotics, spiroalactin (a prescription that helps with hormonal acne), prescription-strength retinol and benzoyl peroxide and/or salicylic acid. Treatment can also include professionally administered laser and light treatments topped off with chemical peels and medical facials. But new research points to treatment strategy that’s typically used for anti-aging and antioxidant purposes. Enter: resveratrol.
Resveratrol, a pretty potent antioxidant, comes from the skin of red grapes, berries and chocolate. It’s also pretty powerful on the anti-inflammatory front, too.
New York Dermatologists Joshua Fox, MD and Meryl Joerg, MD, have been studying the effects of resveratrol on adult acne and how it works to minimize it. The study, which was recently published in Dermatology and Therapy, suggests using resveratrol in combination with topical benzoyl peroxide could really help clear up acne. The thought is that using resveratrol in tandem with benzoyl peroxide kills the acne-causing bacteria better than if just one is used alone.
“From a scientific standpoint, this is ground breaking,” says Dr. Fox. “For the millions of Americans who suffer from adult acne and are seeking ways to alleviate it, I think the results are definitely encouraging.”