Prepare And Protect Your Skin With A Distinctive Mask

Prepare And Protect Your Skin With A Distinctive Mask featured image

Beauty by Clinica Ivo Pitanguy describes the newest addition to their PreVious line, Dermomask, as a perfect “cocoon” for skin to be rejuvenated. This is largely due to their specially developed centella asiatica plant extract and tripeptide, which work together to firm the face and smooth out its wrinkles.

The potent ingredients don’t stop there. Dermomask also includes avocado oil, beeswax, fructan, and olive leaf. The result is moisturized and protected skin that’s perfectly prepared for the next step in your skincare routine.

There’s one more perk: Dermomask comes packaged as a unique little tower of five precise treatments, so you never have to worry about not using the right amount.

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