
What Happens if You Over-Inject Your Face

What Happens if You Over-Inject Your Face featured image

Volume can make a world of difference on the face, but, opting to restore it before too much—or really any—of it has been lost, can do you more harm than good. 

An Overabundance of Volume Throws Off The Proportions of The Face
Volume has its place in the face, especially when fat has been lost (or it’s being used to augment features). “However, if too much volume is put into the face via overfilling with either fat or injections, the eye is automatically drawn to the treated areas. The rest of the face (and any untreated features) can appear undervolumized, when in fact, they really may not be. An imbalance in volume disrupts the natural proportions of the face,” says Nashville, TN, oculoplastic surgeon Brian Biesman, MD.

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The Midface Can Become Distorted
The lips and cheeks are often revolumized and the lower face is left alone. ”While volume needs to be maintained throughout the face, if you don’t have flat cheeks or fat loss, and fillers are used, the appearance of the midface can become distorted,” says West Palm Beach, FL, facial plastic surgeon Michael Schwartz, MD.

The Lips Don’t Match The Face
With or without fillers, the lower lip should be a bit larger than the upper lip. When too much volume is added, the face is thrown off balance. Oftentimes, patients try to match their facial features to their lips by adding volume throughout.

The Softness of The Face Is Lost
Eugene, OR, plastic surgeon Mark Jewell, MD, says that when excessive facial volumization is done in younger patients, the contours of the face become angular, making the face look older. “It gives this abnormal fullness that doesn’t look age-appropriate,” he adds. When the face morphs from a heart shape into a rectangular or square one, which typically isn’t seen until the onset of aging, the extra volume adds years to the appearance.

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