Beauty buzzwords come and go, but one that has continually boasted a bevy of praise over the past few years is niacin. Otherwise known as vitamin b3, this wonder ingredient is said to promote cell turnover, repair sun damage and strengthen the skin barrier—and that’s just the beginning. “It’s truly a multitasking ingredient,” says Fort Lauderdale, FL, dermatologist Dr. Shino Bay Aguilera. “at the center of it is its ability to help reverse sun damage, which helps improve the skin in so many different ways.”
How DNA is Damaged
UV rays, emitted from the sun, form free radicals, unstable oxygen molecules that scavenge other molecules, which sets off a chain reaction that leads to cell deterioration.
Reverse DNA Damage with Niacin
Makes Healthy Cells: Studies show that products that incorporate niacin have the ability to stimulate DNA repair, speed up cell metabolism and skin cell turnover, increase wound-healing and decrease the appearance of hyperpigmentation—all of which are achieved because the molecule is essentially rewiring the cell’s makeup and creating a “healthy blueprint” that it can use to generate new, healthier skin cells.
Boosts Hydration: In regards to preventative properties, niacin helps boost hydration and ceramide production (the skin lipids that retain water) by improving the skin’s natural barrier, making it stronger and allowing it to have a better defense against moisture loss.
Replaces Damaged Cells: On the skin’s surface, healthier cells translate into healthier skin; speeding up cell metabolism helps new cells replace old cells at a faster rate (a process that tends to slow down as we age), which reveals younger skin.