
You Can Lose 14 Pounds in a Year by Swapping Out This Beverage

You Can Lose 14 Pounds in a Year by Swapping Out This Beverage featured image
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In a new study published by Consumer Reports this week regarding the taxation of sugary beverages, researchers compiled data to show what your soda habit is doing to your waistline.

We all know by now that sugary soda (and diet soda, for that matter) does nothing good to our bodies. We’ve seen the videos of Coke removing rust from metal, the Pinterest graphics that show heaps of sugar cubes next to our favorite beverages, and even borderline anti-soda propaganda, but despite the general knowledge that these beverages are unhealthy, 7 percent of Americans’ calorie intake is comprised of—you guessed it—sugary drinks.

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Now for the numbers: According to the report, which calculated swapping one 20-ounce soda with another beverage for an entire year, switching the soda for Gatorade or two-percent milk equated to about six pounds lost. If the cola was exchanged for Honest Tea lemon tea or iced coffee with whole milk and sugar, that’s a remarkable nine pounds in potential weight loss. Finally, if you kick your sugar habit completely and trade in soda for good, old-fashioned water, you can lose up to 14 pounds. That’s more than 52 pounds of sugar kept out of your body every year, the research states.

Of course, these findings should be taken with a grain of salt; for instance, drinking a ton of an unsweetened, high-calorie beverage like milk isn’t exactly going to help you reach your weight-loss goals. Regardless, it’s a necessary reminder that the less refined sugar you’re drinking and the more water you’re replacing it with, the more your body will thank you.

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