A Full-Spectrum Approach to Healthy Skin: ‘Be Healthy, Be Beautiful’

A Full-Spectrum Approach to Healthy Skin: ‘Be Healthy, Be Beautiful’ featured image
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For Southlake, TX and Monroe, LA dermatologist Janine Hopkins, MD, rejuvenation is an all-encompassing process that includes not only restoring youthful contours and minimizing wrinkles, it also includes ensuring optimum skin health. “My motto is ‘Be healthy, Be beautiful,’” she says. “Healthy skin enhances the overall beauty of a person. Vibrant, beautiful skin evokes health and an ageless appearance.”

Strengthening Skin

For younger looking skin, Dr. Hopkins says it all starts with a clear complexion and restoring collagen to the framework. “Obviously, neurotoxins such as Dysport and Botox are important to stop expression lines, but preventing and repairing sun damage, as well as stimulating new collagen in the skin are equally important for a youthful appearance. My treatment approach starts with sun protection, medical-grade skin-care products, then a combination of neurotoxins, dermal fillers, and laser treatments for further rejuvenation, for what I call The Trinity of Anti-Aging.”

Scarless Skin-Cancer Treatment

While some might not consider a skin-cancer treatment a cosmetic procedure, Dr. Hopkins, who frequently diagnoses and treats skin cancer on cosmetically sensitive areas of the face, including the nose, lips, eyelids and ears, states that patients are very concerned about the cosmetic outcome of their skin-cancer treatments. “My patients appreciate having a nonsurgical treatment option that treats skin cancer without scar tissue. Patients are very self-conscious about having permanent scars as the result of skin cancer surgery and are grateful to have a nonsurgical treatment option that still offers a cure rate as high as Mohs’ surgery.”

Her two private practice locations are part of the one percent of medical offices in the country that currently offer image guided superficial radiation therapy. She explains, “This technology utilizes ultrasound to visualize the depth of the malignant lesions followed by superficial radiation to painlessly destroy cancer cells, allowing healthy skin to repopulate the treated site.” The treatment, covered by most major insurance companies, including Medicare, is indicated for basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma, the two most common skin cancers in the U.S. “Using this advanced technology, my team of radiation therapists and I are able to treat skin cancer without surgery restoring healthy skin to the area and self-confidence to my patients.”

The Nonsurgical Laser Lift

To effectively refresh skin, Dr. Hopkins also offers sub-ablative, fractionated and fully ablative laser skin-rejuvenation treatments. “Many times, patients will come in thinking they need an injectable, when in fact a laser treatment is the better option to smooth and tighten their skin, which includes all areas of the face, eyelids, neck and areas of the body. Resurfacing the top layer of skin encourages the body to replace the old, damaged cells with newer, healthier ones.”

Targeting the dermal layer of the skin stimulates new, healthy collagen production to firm and tighten the skin. Laser treatments are an integral part of her dermatology practice as these devices can be used to repair sun damaged skin, hyperpigmentation, active acne, rosacea, scars and other common skin disorders. “The Fotona laser has revolutionized what we were able to do as far as nonsurgical skin-tightening and skin-rejuvenation, there are some extremely innovative techniques and procedures that I offer with these state of the art multi-platform laser systems.”

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