It’s been a long time since we’ve heard of people coloring their hair with henna, but with the trend toward natural beauty products, we wouldn’t be surprised it one particular product sees a huge surge in popularity: Surya Brasil Henna Powder. The only kind of powder you’re probably using on your hair right now is dry shampoo, but you should definitely make room for a second kind—this kind—if you want a semi-permanent change in color. Once you mix it with water, it becomes the healthiest at-home color you could imagine, nourishing hair with honey as it moisturizes from root to end. As Surya’s Henna Powder deposits color—there’s a huge range, including a clear shine treatment—it doesn’t disturb the integrity of hair’s keratin thanks to a formula that’s free of peroxide, ammonia, and other undesirables. In fact, its ingredients are 100% natural, including—in addition to henna—amla, beleric, and two kinds of acacia. This powder is perfect for a month or two of a vibrant boost in color, faing in about 30 washes. You’ll want it to last longer, but luckily, it’s extremely affordable at under $7 a box.
Henna Hair Color Makes A Comeback—Naturally
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