There is a lot of buzz lately surrounding the bust size of 23-year-old Hayden Panettiere. After bikini photos of the young starlet surfaced this spring, many believe she has undergone a breast augmentation due to the fact that there is a noticeable rippling of tissue around her chest.
“As a plastic surgeon, it is obvious to me that she most likely has saline implants that are placed too close to the midline of her sternum,” says Beverly Hills, CA, plastic surgeon Leslie H. Stevens, MD. So why does this rippling occur? “The surgeon cut through the pectoral muscle leaving the implants directly under the skin with less soft tissue coverage to soften the wrinkling,” he says.
And unfortunately for Hayden, this problem won’t go away says Miami plastic surgeon Sean Simon, MD. To fix it, “she may need revision breast surgery to change both the implants themselves (to silicone) and reposition the new implants into the sub-muscular position,” he says. “This can all be done through a small incision on the breast on the inferior aspect of the areola.” Dr. Stevens adds that the sooner she revises them, the better as the rippling “may even worsen over time.”