Actress turned Real Housewife of Beverly Hills Denise Richards is getting honest about her skin. The first item on the docket? Addressing those Botox rumors.
“I did try Botox and it wasn’t for me. I don’t like the way my face feels afterward,” she tells US Weekly. As much as she said it made her “look more rested,” she said she just couldn’t get over the sensation. “It made me feel like someone was pushing my forehead down or something.”
Next up: clearing the air about fillers. While thousands have speculated whether or not Richards has dabbled with filler, she says it was something much bigger that gave her face a “filled” look recently. “Last year I had an issue with my thyroid so I put on a little weight and people thought I had a ton of fillers in my face,” she tells US. “I’m like no, it’s called weight gain.”
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However, Richards notes that skin care has always been a top priority for her. “Ever since I was a teenager and I started modeling when I was 15 years old, I took very good care of my skin,” she says. “I kept my face out of the sun. I was always one that drank a lot of water and my skin’s a bit sensitive. So for me less was always better.”
Couple this mindset with being up-close-and-personal with HD cameras on the set of Real Housewives and Richards decided it was time for her own skin-care line. Enter: CBMe, a pared-down lineup of anti-aging essentials, ranging from a cleanser to a sunscreen.
Each of the six skus in Richards’ new line are formulated with natural hemp oil and peptides and are each less than $60. And while each seems more promising than the last—we’ve got our eye on the Tri-Retinol Renewal Serum—Richards has her own personal favorite: the Cream Oil Moisturizer ($30) described as a slow-release formula to keep skin dewy and plump all day.
CBMe is available for pre-order now.