
The Tea Models Drink to Shrink Their Tummies Fast

The Tea Models Drink to Shrink Their Tummies Fast featured image

Beauty teas aren’t exactly new, but ones that concentrate on the very specific goal of flattening your stomach are currently stealing the spotlight. 

“Many models drink tea regularly, and after finding a lack of healthy options, we decided to create our teas for backstage,” says Big T NYC founder Theresa Krier, who had the idea for launching her brand after years of working backstage at Fashion Week. “It’s a low-calorie or no-calorie option and has so many health benefits.” 

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One of her ranges offerings: The Haute Body Organic Green Tea ($14), which contains the catechin EGCG, an ingredient known to speed up metabolism and bust belly fat. While it won’t work instantly, Krier says to swap it out for your cup of coffee and you’ll definitely see results. 

Other blends like Four Sigma Foods Digestion Superfood (which uses Maitake mushroom to support weight loss) and Fit Belly Tea (which uses a detoxifying mix of goji berry, dandelion and oolong intended to boost metabolism first thing in the morning) also aim to deliver health benefits, while busting the dreaded belly bloat

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