
Why Ariana Grande Stopped Getting Filler and Botox

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Why Ariana Grande Stopped Getting Filler and Botox featured image

Ariana Grande has lived most of her life in the public eye and naturally this has had an impact on her relationship to beauty ideals. During her Beauty Secrets video with Vogue, Grande got candid about her experience with filler and Botox and why she feels she’s grown out of them, for now at least.

Before doing her lips in the video, Grande pauses to say, “Full transparency…I had a ton of lip filler over the years and Botox. I stopped in 2018 because I just felt [like it was] too much.” As her voice begins to shake and she notes she didn’t expect to get emotional, Grande explains, “For a long time, beauty was about hiding for me. And now I feel like maybe it’s not since I stopped getting fillers and Botox.”

Unlike many celebrities, and people in general for that matter, Grande says she wants to see her lines. “I hope my smile lines get deeper and deeper, and I laugh more and more, and I just think aging….can be such a beautiful thing.”

Grande’s not one to say never. She leaves the door open for her to return to cosmetic treatments if she chooses. “Maybe I’ll start again. I don’t know. To each their own whatever makes you feel beautiful,” she says. “Might I get a facelift in 10 years? [I] might yeah,” she admits. “These are just thoughts that I feel like we should be able to discuss if we’re sitting here talking about beauty secrets,” she says. “Let’s lay it all out there.” She recognizes that our relationships with beauty are personal. “We’re here talking about beauty secrets. Isn’t the secret that we all just want to feel our best and be loved?” she says thoughtfully.  

Her perspective on beauty has evolved since she was 17 and strangers had a lot to say about her appearance. “Over the years, I used makeup as a disguise or as something to hide behind,” says Grande, noting the extra lengths of hair added and layers of eyeliner. High-glam looks still have a place in her life. “That can be so beautiful at times, and I still do have love for it,” she says. “But I think as I get older, I don’t love that being the intention behind it anymore. I think of it as self-expression now and accentuating what is here.”

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