11 Tips For Age-Defying Brows

Age-Defying Brows Raquel Welch

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Having flawless eyebrows is a facial feature that will never go out of style. Whether you have light thin brows or dark thick ones, the shape of them makes all the difference. Take a look at some of our best celebrity eyebrows and what you can do for yours.

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Talk show host, Ellen Degeneres is always in the public eye and because of that she maintains her facial assets, eyebrows being one of those. You can keep your eyebrow arch cleaned up by going to a professional once a month and choosing the arch shape you like. Make sure to keep it natual looking. 

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CSI star, Marg Helgenberger is great to look at for ageless eyebrows. Consider getting Botox injections to reshape aging eyebrows. When Botox is injected above the brow, it can help to lift the brow into a more youthful-looking position. 


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Susan Lucci has certainly kept up her appearance from her All My Children days. If you’re thinking about eyebrow fillers, you can consider getting Juvéderm and Radiesse to instantly lift the end of a brow that’s begun to droop over time.

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Long-time TV actress, Bo Derek, still looks flawless at 55 (and so do her eyebrows). A few other great injectables to consider can be a tiny bit of Dysport or Xeomin, which are injected into the brows to slightly accentuate the arch. There should still be some natural expression and movement of the face

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Funny girl, Kathy Griffin, doesn’t joke around when it comes to her eyebrows. To get a lifted look, Kathy received Botox injections since they are known as “brow shapers” in addition to their association as wrinkle freezers. They work by weakening the muscles in the forehead that pull on the browline, lifting and elevating it back to a more desirable position. 

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Paula Abdul is rumored to have received an eye brow lift using Botox. Her brows are “Straight Up” and look wonderful. Chicago Plastic Surgeon W. John Bull Jr., MD says, “We can raise or lowers the brows with Botox,” says “It’s more common to see patients that need the brow raised, but, in the case of them being too high, Botox will drop the brow since the muscle becomes weakened.” 

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Actress, Sharon Stone’s eyebrows are maintained well with a feminine touch. If you have gotten injectables, are they aren’t doing what you need, it may be time to consider a surgical intervention with a browlift.

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Movie star, Jessica Lange is a perfect example of a woman who knows how to age and keep her brows up to date. Jessica has denied any surgery, however if you are looking for a more permanent fix, browlift surgery is done endoscopically. When getting a browlift, the muscles are repositioned to lift the brow into a more natural position with removal of any excess skin. 

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Italian actress and model, Monica Bellucci is beautiful with a darker, thicker brow. Maintaining shape is key. Baltimore plastic surgeon Patrick Byrne, MD says, “If the brows aren’t elevated conservatively, you end up with a deer in the headlights look.” 

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Grease star, Olivia Newton John has a natural looking brow that fits her face well. If you’re looking to find an at-home tool to firm the skin around your brows, microcurrent technologies can be used to help slightly lift saggy skin in the brow area. This can be performed by an aestheician or at-home with a handheld device

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Marlo Thomas’s eyebrows are thinned but shaped nicely. If you’re looking for a non-surgical or injectable solution, a great option is considering permanent makeup. Permanent makeup involves tattooing small strokes of color onto your arch area to simulate the appearance of eyebrows. 

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