I did it. I got “The Karlie.” It wasn’t an intentional move, I assure you, as I’m not the type that’s easily swayed by pop culture hair trends—my hair is sacred, therefore I say no to pink-tinted highlights and a side-shaved head. After all, I’m an adult and I have a job.
So what is this hairstyle I inadvertently ended up with? Great question. The overnight infamous haircut is named after the 20-year-old model Karlie Kloss, who made headlines for lopping off about seven inches of her hair just before the New Year. It was created by hairstylist Garren Defazio, swings just above the shoulders and comes complete with light layering around the face and a full fringe. It is Michelle Obama’s new haircut, with way more swagger.
The not-quite-a-bob, borderline-shag haircut is the type of hair style you can’t really hide behind as it is all about framing your face. For women with fine, straight hair, like myself, and Karlie for that matter, it’s a great option simply because it ranks low on the effort scale. Less hair means less dry time and a heavy bang creates an instant style.
It’s no surprise a chop like this is catching like wildfire. The start of a new year is always a great time to make a change, and in some cases, a five or seven inch change. It feels liberating to be able to shampoo, do a quick rough dry and be out the door in a flash. Straight ironing or curling long hair is so last year, haven’t you heard?
What do you think of the new “it” haircut?