Spice Up Your Beauty Routine With Turmeric

Spice Up Your Beauty Routine With Turmeric featured image

If you’re still stuck with flavoring your meals with simple salt and pepper, it’s time to branch out in the spice department! Not only are spices a good way to flavor your food without adding more cholesterol-increasing salt, many spices also have anti-aging and beauty benefits.

Turmeric is a bright orange spice that’s often added to curries and spices. It is full of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, and along with most other spices, it’s rich in nutrients that help your body’s metabolism work more efficiently and maximize nutrient density.

Turmeric is especially helpful in fending off free radicals, which are molecules that attack at a cellular level and damage tissue, causing the skin in particular, to look older.

It’s tasty when blended with rice, vegetables and poultry. But one Hollywood star says she blends it with her foundation to go on her skin rather than in her mouth. Actress Thandie Newton told Hello! magazine that she adds a little bit of the spice to her tinted Olay moisturizer to match her skin tone. “It’s my secret weapon,” she told the magazine.

Now that’s an all-purpose spice!

Related Links:
Spice Up Your Meals
The Skin-Care Benefits of Saffron

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