
8 Insanely Easy Tips to Perfect Your At-Home Blowout


Ah, the perfect blowout—practically the holy grail in the realm hair care. You try and try, but between your tired arms and daunting frizz, nothing you do seems to help you achieve that coveted salon finish. Say good-bye to that discouraging feeling though because your luck is about to change. Here, we’ve gathered three hair pros’ top guidelines that will help you tackle your blowout blunders once and for all. 

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Get Outside the Bathroom

Naturally after a shower, the bathroom is left damp and steamy. Nexxus celeb stylist Lona Vigi, explains, however, that this can take a toll on your tresses. “Never dry your hair in muggy conditions—it will completely affect your blow-dry.” Instead, head to a room without humidity to ensure a sleeker look and decrease your chance of frizz.

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Dry Upside Down

“For extra volume, I like to have my clients flip their head upside down and blow-dry their hair,” explains Suave Professionals celebrity stylist Marcus Francis. Once it’s totally dry, he then recommends that you flip your hair upright and go over the areas that need a little extra attention for a clean finish.

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Work From Front to Back

If flipping your hair upside down doesn’t seem to be doing the trick, founder of Drybar Alli Webb has another suggestion that might get the job done: “While it might seem simple, at Drybar we always start our blowouts in the front because, let’s face it, it’s what people see first when you walk in a room!” So next time you grab your hairdryer, save the shielded back-of-the-neck area for later. 

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Curly-Haired Girls, This Tool Is for You

As gorgeous as they may be, it’s no secret that curls can be tough to tame. To regain control over them amid a blowout, Vigi recommends using an ionic dryer, which “helps the cuticles lay flat and helps eliminate frizz.” Sleeker and smoother results just from the swap of a device? Sounds like this dryer is a no-brainer, even for the most unruly of curls. 

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Try a Serum for Extra Frizz-Free Assurance

No matter your hair texture, lingering frizz can be frustrating—you wish more than anything that you could wave a magic wand and “poof,” it’d be gone, but unfortunately, that’s just not how the world works. Well, Francis has the next best solution: “Add a serum like Suave Professionals BiotinInfusion Anti-Breakage Serum ($5) before you blow out your hair while it’s still wet to help the hair hold its final shape.” Not only will this little trick remove the frizz right then and there, but also it will help fight it off until your next wash.

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Toy With the Temperature

Sometimes, the biggest obstacles in perfecting a blowout are those pesky cowlicks and other wild pieces that, no matter what you do, never seem to stay put in the right place. At last, however, we are provided with a technique that will trump these tress terrors. Vigi explains, “I like to blow-dry them in the correct direction with hot air, then on cool to lock them in the right place. I recommend finishing with the Nexxus New York Salon Care Frizz Defy Finishing Mist ($12) to provide a long-lasting, weather-resistant blowout.”

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Give Your Arms a Break

“We all know how tiring blowouts can be (when you do it yourself),” says Webb. “Some of my girlfriends actually sit on the ground in front of the mirror and rest their elbows on their knees to keep arms from tiring out.” In other words, get down, get comfortable and give your arms a little support so they have the stamina to get through your beautiful blowout pain-free.

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Double-Check the Dryness

You’re down to the wire—your blowout is nearly complete other than a few damp spots. Close enough, right? Wrong. Vigi emphasizes just how important it is to make sure your head is fully dry before putting the dryer away. “I run my hands through the entire head, making sure it’s not damp as this totally can wreck your entire blowout.” Thoroughness is everything when it comes to blowout perfection!

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