Fashion, beauty, skin care and wellness may live under one umbrella, but have you ever seen them blend so seamlessly into one product?
If you haven’t heard of NUFABRX, now is the time to familiarize yourself, because the brand is absolutely revolutionizing active ingredient delivery by fusing it into clothing.
Known as HealthWear, the line is intended to relieve pain from the outside-in. A few of the pieces on the roster include the Pain Relieving Medicine + Compression Ankle Sleeve ($25), Pain Relieving Medicine + Compression Knee Sleeve ($25) and Pain Relieving Medicine + Compression Wrist Sleeve ($25). All of the items are infused with pain-relieving capsaicin, which the company says helps block pain messages to the nerves and soothes chronic aches that are often debilitating.
How it works: To filter through and select the final ingredients featured in NUFABRX’s garments, each active undergoes extensive trials and research before being selected for a garment. Next, the ingredients are infused into the yarns using a patented processes and hi-tech engineering. According to the brand, the final infused yarns do not move to the next round without several analyses to ensure durability and potency are up to standards. Once the clothing is on, the ingredients are activated by body heat and are absorbed into the skin both safely and effectively.
Just when we thought the product line couldn’t get any better, the brand announced that it is launching a new maternity line, which is available for pre-sale on its website now and ready to ship on 11/29. Included in the upcoming launch are three essentials for pregnant women: Compression Socks ($30), Bump Shorts ($60) and Bump Leggings ($90).
NewBeauty’s beauty director, Brittany Burhop Fallon, recently gave the new products a whirl during her pregnancy, and she specifically pinned the Bump Leggings and Compression Socks as her favorites, saying that these two products were essentials throughout the final few months.
“The idea [for the maternity line] was literally born three months before my first daughter,” shares chief revenue officer Glenn Normoyle. “We had just figured out how to put shea butter into yarn and we were going to market a face mask with shea butter to help with maskne. My wife was re-applying shea butter to her belly almost constantly and said, why don’t you put these things in my belly bands so I don’t have to keep doing this!” Fast-forward to now: The shea butter in the infused garments last for 25-plus home washes, but the garments can be used after as regular maternity shorts. As an added plus, your skin will featured moisturized, supple and more elastic without any leftover greasy feeling.
The company does note that they recommend consulting with a physician before using the products.