This Man Got a Microbead Stuck in His Pore and It’s Honestly Horrifying

This Man Got a Microbead Stuck in His Pore and It’s Honestly Horrifying featured image

Microbeads have come under fire for quite a number of reasons lately (more about that here), but in case you need further proof for why you should eliminate products with those tiny, plastic beads, here it is: they can get stuck in your pores.

Scary, right? Well it’s true. According to a post submitted by Reddit user, Casual_Mongolian, he used a microbead-infused product to exfoliate his face before washing away the formula and revealing that one, small bead was left stuck in a pore on his cheek (additional images here). “Well one of those blue (plastic?) microbeads are stuck in a pore right on the surface of my skin,” he explained in the post. “It’s on my high cheek where I’ve never experienced any open acne so I’m not sure how it got in there.”

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After a few failed attempts at removing the microbead (including one ill-advised method in which he tried to poke it out with a sterilized needle), Casual_Mongolian asked the Reddit community for help, and they certainly delivered.

Responses ranged from using a comedone extractor (often seen in those blackhead remover videos that always go viral) to pulling it out with tweezers, however, the solution ended up being much more simple (and less painful!) than that.

“What ended up doing the trick was two Q-tips and a little bit of squeezing,” the man wrote, adding in a reply to a commenter that he used a hot towel press in combination with the Q-tip.

The takeaway? Stay away from microbeads. Not only are they bad for the environment and harsh for your skin, but they apparently can get stuck in your pores as well. Talk about terrifying.

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