Is Coffee Really Bad For Your Skin?

Is Coffee Really Bad For Your Skin? featured image

We know what you’re thinking, “there is no way I would give up my morning latte! No way!” That’s why when we read a recent story claiming that coffee was bad for your skin, we made it our number one priority to find out if there was any truth to this claim.

We reached out to Los Angeles, CA, dermatologist Debra Luftman, MD, for answers. It turns out you can breathe easy because not only is coffee not bad for your skin, its actually good for it!

Dr. Luftman says, “There are antioxidants in coffee beans.” That’s why there are great products infused with coffee out there such as coffee berry cream. But that doesn’t mean you can overdo it.

“If you have too much, or if you have any underlying skin diseases like rosacea, it can be bad because it can stimulate flares,” says Dr. Luftman. Having too much coffee can dehydrate your skin and give it a pruny look. So while one or two cups of coffee can be beneficial, overdoing it can be bad.

Related Links:
Coffee or Concealer: Which Would You Chose?
Fighting Cancer With Caffeine
A Coffee Break for Your Body

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