The Ultimate Ingredient List for Younger-Looking Skin

The Ultimate Ingredient List for Younger-Looking Skin featured image

Everyone is susceptible to thinning, crepey skin as they age. Luckily, there are certain skin-care ingredients, commonly found in creams, lotions and serums, that can help improve the look and feel of your skin. We broke down the meaning of them all, so you know exactly what to look for and how they really work.

Alphahydroxy Acids

Besides brightening skin, AHAs like glycolic acid help repair collagen and bring new skin cells to the surface.

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Naturally found in skin, ceramides lock in water so moisture doesn’t escape.


With its slick feel, glycerin draws on water in the air to lock it into your skin, which is why these work best on damp skin.

Hyaluronic Acid

This ingredient helps to lock in moisture by attracting water to the area and plumping up the skin.


Peptides promote collagen production, which leads to stronger, firmer and smoother skin.


Superthick—it’s in a lot of moisturizers—petrolatum keeps moisture in the skin by creating a seal of sorts.


Whether you use an over-the-counter or prescription-strength version, this vitamin A derivative thickens skin.

Shea Butter

An intense moisturizer, shea butter is loaded with essential fatty acids that keep skin hydrated and pliable.


It works to thicken skin, address changes in skin texture and exfoliate, too.

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