
Emma Stone Encourages People to Keep Talking About How they Feel

Emma Stone Encourages People to Keep Talking About How they Feel featured image
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In lieu of Mental Health Awareness Month, the Child Mind Institute, a non-profit organization that assists children with mental health needs, is launching their Getting Better Together campaign, featuring videos of our favorite celebrities sharing their personal stories with mental health. One of the many A-listers who is stepping up to the plate is actress Emma Stone, and her narrative is one that not only helps eliminate the stigma behind mental health, but one that inspires hope among young kids, too.

Speaking on the drastic changes we’ve experienced throughout this last year in a video, Stone says “This year was very scary and hard and it is hard to hear about a lot of the scary things that are happening in our world and in our country with the pandemic. Even though things are hopefully getting better, it’s a little strange to think that we were just home for a while—that brought up a lot of sad and anxious feelings for some and others felt happy to be at home and not out in the world—and now we’re going back out into the world.”

Although many of us are ready to get back out there, Stone adds that this big adjustment can bring up a lot of feelings. “And I would remind you that everybody struggles with a little bit of sadness or a little bit of worry or fear around the idea of change in general. Whether that change is staying home or the change is going out into the world, everyone has some of those feelings inside…keep talking about how you feel and sharing it with people you feel safe with. We are all going to be okay.”

During each day of the campaign, a new inspiring and relatable video will be released daily. To see clips of the the videos and more information, follow @childmindinstitute on Instagram.

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