Breast Implants Procedure By Dr. Leonard M. Hochstein Follow Jen as she has Breast Augmentation Surgery by Dr. Leonard M. Hochstein.
Breast Augmentation increases the size of a woman’s breast. You can easily go from an A-cup to a full C-cup or more. Breast Augmentation can also yield firmer, fuller breasts.
By looking at the position of the nipple, you can tell if Breast Augmentation is right for you. The crease under the breast is called the infra mammary crease. If the nipple is above this crease you are a good candidate for breast augmentation. If your nipple is level with this crease you are not an ideal candidate, however, a large implant can increase the size and may lift the breast so there is less droopiness. If your nipple is below the crease, you may want to consider a breast lifting procedure with augmentation.
Just as Breast Augmentation is your decision, so is the type of implant you wish to use. It is important to discuss your implant options with Dr. Hochstein. Saline is a silicone shell filled with saline and is the most common implant used. Silicone gel implants have an identical shell but are filled with silicone.
The texture of the implant can also make a difference. Textured implants have less results of hardening breasts and tend to stay in position better. Though, there can be evidence of rippling. Smooth texture has less risk of rippling but can be displaced more.
The placement of the implant is also important to consider. Dr. Hochstein places the implants under the muscle for a softer, more natural and long lasting result.
There are also a variety of incision sites that can be used by the doctor. The incision site is the access point for the doctor to perform the surgery. The incision can be placed at the edge of the nipple, under the breast, under the armpit, or through the belly button. In choosing the incision site it is important to take into account your lifestyle and visibility of scars.
The common risks with breast augmentation include firming of the breasts, loss of nipple sensation, implant displacement, implant deflation, or breast rippling.
During your consultation, it is important to ask questions. Be sure to go over the surgery in detail. Dr. Hochstein is there to ensure you receive the best possible outcome and that you are happy with your Breast Augmentation.