Brooke Shields Says Her ‘Daughters Are Like Heat-Seeking Missiles When It Comes to Stealing Her Beauty Products’

Brooke Shields Says Her ‘Daughters Are Like Heat-Seeking Missiles When It Comes to Stealing Her Beauty Products’ featured image
Dimitrios Kambouris / Staff / Getty Images

While it may be a more-quiet time for some, actress-model Brooke Shields has had a lot going on: Between the bad (she’s on the mend after a broken leg courtesy of a balance board) and the good (she’s partnered up with Colgate—for the third time—as an ambassador for the brand’s new Renewal toothpaste), the 55-year-old chatted with us yesterday to share why she’s all about taking care of her smile like she does with her skin, and the finely tuned art of defending her beauty products from her two teenage daughters. 

I’m sure you’re asked to partner with beauty brands a lot. Why Colgate?
Well, I’m not new to Colgate. I was lucky enough to have worked with them when I was nine and then again about eight years ago or so; I’ve basically been working with them for years. I know the brand, I respect the brand, and when they told me about this new Colgate Renewal launch and what it did in regard to gum health, I couldn’t believe how much I didn’t know. I didn’t really think about taking care of my gums before this, and I felt like people needed to hear how important it was—your gums are such a big part of your smile and your gum health says a lot about your physical health. This product actually addresses and reverses the early gum damage that many of us don’t even know we have. I was clearly and quickly onboard.

You’re very into beauty products and skin care—any holy grail products you’ve used forever?
I would love to say that I just had one thing that I couldn’t live without, but I’m always looking for something new and I’m always saying to my friends, “What do you use? What did you just buy?” It’s can be so confusing—there’s just so much out there and it all seems rather arbitrary. Everything sort of says it does the same thing. Something I’ve always gone back isn’t necessarily one product, but moisture and hydration. You sort of forget how important it is…either I’ll have a drink or work out and realize, “Oh, I didn’t have enough water.” The same goes with not getting enough sleep. All these little things that we don’t always think about…they all contribute to the elasticity of the skin. I’m also pretty into putting vitamin C on my skin all the time; I have a million different products that claim to have vitamin C in them. 

Is there anything people might be surprised to hear you do wellness-wise?
I’ve been trying to drink celery juice every day, I’m not quite sure what it’s doing for me, but it tastes good! I’m surprised that I actually like something like that. 

You’ve been a spokesperson for various in-office aesthetic treatments in the past. Is there anything you really love that you’ve gotten great results from?
I’ve had Fraxel twice and I really liked what it did for my skin. I had some years out in the sun in Los Angeles, and I had sunspots on my face and on my hands. I did Fraxel on my hands and really saw a difference! It takes a little while, and you can’t quite do a photo shoot the next day, but I was amazed by how much it rejuvenated my skin. I’m always very much, “Well, what’s noninvasive? What can I try?” Anything that doesn’t change the way I look.

You have two teenage daughters; any products you share with them?
Well, I don’t know if I’d call it sharing. I think it’s more accurate to talk in terms of stealing. I’ll get a new product and I’ll be like, “Where’s the new mascara? Where did it go?” Then, I hear, “Mom, it looks so good on me.” You can’t swap mascara! They’re like little heat-seeking missiles—my younger one, in particular. It’s like their radar goes off and they know a new beauty product is in the house and they want to get their fingers in it. I love starting something new, but once they stick their fingers in it, there’s nothing else to say but, “Now you have to keep it.”

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