Source: Getty With 44 percent of women claiming to be unhappy with their natural breasts, it makes sense that celebrities feel the same. So it’s no wonder they, and many […]
NewBeauty Editors
NewBeauty Editors
Source: Getty
With 44 percent of women claiming to be unhappy with their natural breasts, it makes sense that celebrities feel the same. So it’s no wonder they, and many women, opt for augmentation.
Augmentation is a permanent alternative to wearing padded push-ups, and it relies on either silicone or saline implants placed under, in between or over the muscle to add size, shape, proportion and cleavage.
“When it comes to choosing between implants and wearing a push-up bra, it’s all about quality of life and the naturalness of the result,” says Dallas plastic surgeon William P. Adams Jr., MD. “Push-up bras definitely work, but most women want to have a fuller or larger look all the time—with or without clothes. And the only thing that can produce those results are breast implants.”
Check out this gallery of celebrities we think have the best breasts—real or fake—on the red carpet and get info on how to get the most natural-looking breast implants.
Actress Sofia Vergara made the list thanks to her ample bosom and tiny waist, which creates a classic and supersexy figure. If your frame can handle larger breasts, your first step is determining what type of implants you want.
While both saline and silicone implants can offer a natural look when done right, each has its advantages and disadvantages. “In scientific studies and in real life, silicone implants perform equal to or better than saline implants, which are filled with salt water. They produce more of a natural feeling, although saline implants require less surveillance and don’t necessitate MRIs,” says Dr. Adams.
Adds Newport Beach, CA, plastic surgeon Sanjay Grover, MD, “Saline allows certain women to achieve a larger size than may be possible with silicone implants at a given time due to a tight skin envelope. If saline deflates, it is more quickly noticed as opposed to silicone.”
Source: Startraks
Sultry actress Salma Hayek‘s breasts seem to defy gravity. Since no two breasts are exactly the same, it’s important to select an implant shape that will match your natural breast shape.
Keep in mind that implants sit up higher than natural breasts, so picking the right shape is important so that the top parts of the breasts are close together.
Source: Getty
She may be known for her bodacious backside, but we think Kim Kardashian‘s breasts are just as noteworthy. To get a similar look, choose round implants, which are circular but flat and stick out from the body farther, making the breasts project more.
Round implants are also good for those who want more fullness in the upper part of the breast. “Plastic surgeons have different opinions, but I prefer round implants, which allow for a natural, full shape when an appropriate pocket is created,” says Dr. Grover.
Source: Startraks
Supermodel and talk show host Tyra Banks admitted on national television that her breasts are, in fact, real. Natural breasts are comprised primarily of fat and muscle, which is what gives them a soft-to-the-touch nature. To mimic that effect, most plastic surgeons recommend silicone implants; they’re softer than saline because of the filler agent, which is thick and gel-like.
Source: Startraks
Sometimes called contoured, teardrop-shaped implants slope downward just like natural breasts, which makes them look more natural in certain positions, like those of British actress Elizabeth Hurley. Teardrop implants also have a textured shell—if the implant happens to rotate while in the breast, the breasts can become distorted.
“However, they are only available in saline, and the sizes, widths and heights are limited,” says New York plastic surgeon Tracy Pfeifer, MD. “But they’re a great option for those who are narrow and want a lot of volume.”
Source: Getty
To achieve the most natural look, like singer Katy Perry‘s breasts, La Jolla, CA, plastic surgeon Reza Sadrian, MD, says that breast diameter, as well as the profile, shape and positioning of the implants, needs to be taken into consideration. “Implants should fit the body appropriately. If they are too big for your body’s natural diameter, the implant will stick out at the sides, be too high up on the chest and just look too large overall,” he says.
Source: Getty
To get lifted breasts, like actress Eva Mendes, implants can be placed in one of three ways: over the muscle, under the muscle or partially under the muscle. Where your doctor places your implants makes a difference in terms of results. If the implants are placed too high, there will be too much volume in the top part of the breast, which looks fake. If the implants are inserted too close together, there will be a void of natural cleavage, again creating an “obvious” look.
Source: Startraks
According to Nashville, TN, plastic surgeon Pat Maxwell, MD, the idea of fat for augmenting breasts is becoming more and more popular, especially with the growing popularity of large-breasted leading ladies, like Christina Hendricks.
“It’s a new technology, and there’s no regulatory approval in the U.S., so the technique is not yet standardized. But it may be a great option for those that want to only be about one cup size, at best, bigger,” he says. Similar to how fat grafting works in other parts of the body, like the face and butt, fat is first removed via liposuction before it’s washed and re-injected in very small amounts to the breast. “The procedure is very controversial, and there is concern about the long-term safety and efficacy,” says La Jolla, CA, plastic surgeon Robert Singer, MD.
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