Airbrush Your Way To Younger Skin (No Photoshop Necessary)

Airbrush Your Way To Younger Skin (No Photoshop Necessary) featured image

Dark under eye circles, spots, discoloration, and acne scars-be afraid, be very afraid. We challenged airbrush makeup artists to take years off the face of this woman, who complained about the aforementioned skin problems.

The only makeup used on her (plus some lip gloss, we will admit), was Temptu AIRbrush Makeup System ($225). The first of it’s kind, you can use it to apply age-defying foundation and even blush, and you can adjust the coverage from sheer to heavy.

“Airbrush makeup is ideal for addressing discoloration under the eyes, which can age you because it allows you to layer foundation while giving full coverage that is still sheer,” says JP McCary, vice president of global artistry for Temptu. “It also doesn’t settle into fine lines and wrinkles and camouflages texture issues because the molecules in the formula are larger and rounder.”

What do you think? Does she look younger? And have you tried airbrush makeup?

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