Young skin is firm and taut, but as the body ages, collagen and elastin levels plummet, causing skin to lose its tone. As the years pass, hormones direct larger amounts of fat to deposit in the thighs, and when coupled with less elastic skin, cellulite becomes more pronounced. In addition to diet and exercise, in-office treatments available at your dermatologist or plastic surgeon’s office can help reduce thigh anxiety. For a temporary fix (roughly six months), a hyaluronic acid injectable like Restylane or Juvéderm can be used off-label to fill in cellulite dimples. A series of VelaSmooth treatments can temporarily reshape and recontour the surface of the thighs by directing a combination of infrared light and bipolar radio frequency deep into fat layers beneath the skin. (Maintenance treatments are necessary for continued results.)
Limited-area liposuction is ideal for removing small amounts of stubborn fat from the thighs. Today’s liposuction techniques use instruments much smaller than in the past, with incisions so small that stitches may not be required. And, most localized liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia with mild sedation.
After liposuction you may experience soreness, bruising and swelling that generally resolves within a week or two. Remember, liposuction is designed to sculpt an area to a more desired shape; it is not a correction for cellulite nor is it intended for weight loss.
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