Bodylift Basics

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During a bodylift, excess skin and fat are removed in order to reshape the target areas and deliver smoother contours. 

Depending on your individual concerns and goals, bodylifts can be limited to a particular area of the body, or when more extensive surgery is necessary, staged in multiple procedures to address more than one area. A lower bodylift can require taking six to eight weeks off from work, which is why doctors often recommends splitting up the procedures for a shorter overall recovery time.

Your new shape is visible immediately after surgery, but results (including skin tone and scars) will become increasingly refined for up to six months. You’ll likely be sent home (after a one- to two-day hospital stay for a lower bodylift) in a compression garment to help the skin conform to the body and reduce swelling.

Drains may also be placed in your incisions to help draw excess fluid out of the body. Walking is essential after surgery to prevent blood clots from forming. Within a few days, you should be able to shower, and you’ll be back to a modified daily routine—minus strenuous lifting, pushing, bending or exercise. 

It’s common for skin to feel sensitive for at least a few weeks after surgery, but severe pain is a signal to call your doctor.

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