Your neck isn’t immune from the effects of gravity and collagen breakdown, which are the main culprits of age-related changes. A necklift can address the two major signs of aging in the neck: excess skin and muscle laxity, which cause neck bands or “turkey waddle.” Through incisions under the chin and/or behind the ears, sagging neck muscles are tightened and excess skin may be removed, resulting in enhanced definition and a more toned appearance from the jaw down through the neck. Liposuction or direct sculpting of the fat through a small incision under the chin may be recommended in conjunction with necklift procedures if a pocket of excess fat is a concern. The extent of the procedure depends on the degree of skin laxity. A necklift is commonly performed at the same time as a facelift, and since the procedure requires general anesthesia or intravenous sedation, surgery should be performed in a fully accredited office-based, freestanding, or hospital surgical suite. Side effects include swelling and bruising, and you can expect about a week of downtime and about three weeks of taking it easy after surgery. You’ll likely be instructed to wear a compression garment to assist healing, especially if liposuction techniques are used.
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