
See This NewBeauty Reader Get a Glamorous Hair Makeover!

See This NewBeauty Reader Get a Glamorous Hair Makeover! featured image

Thousands of women entered to win the NewBeauty Magazine and L’Oréal Professionnel Hair Makeover Contest in New York City, and Rhonda was our winner! In her contest entry video, she told us she wanted a sleeker look so she wouldn’t have to wear a ponytail every day. She also wanted to update the color of her hair and look more glamorous for work. So we packed her up and sent her to the Yann Varin salon on Madison Avenue in New York City where she got a new look from Yann Varin and his team of professionals. Watch the video to see her transformation and find out more about the L’Oréal Professionnel products and INOA hair color used on her. To see more transformations or for a chance to be featured in an upcoming issue of NewBeauty magazine, check out the Advanced Treatment section of NewBeauty.com.

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