Growing out short hair can be a lengthy process, but growing out thinning hair? Now that can be an unwinnable uphill battle. In fact, one woman found out the hard way that genetic hair loss typically only gets worse unless you take action against it, which is exactly what she did.
A 27-year-old woman recently took to Reddit to reveal how she regrew her patchy hairline after years of too much shedding. After seeing her general practitioner and testing for any health reasons that could be causing her hair to thin, the woman realized that it was simply genetics to blame. “I went to my GP, they did loads of tests, everything came back fine, my weight is normal, I’m healthy, and have a reasonably okay diet,” she wrote in the post. “After everything was exhausted, I took to the Internet.”
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Subsequently, the woman researched ways to combat thinning hair until she came across Rogaine, a 2.5 percent minoxidil-based topical foam intended to regrow hair on the scalp. “I have been using the product since late October and although I haven’t been using it long, I can see some really great results,” she wrote, sharing some pretty shocking before-and-after images on the website:

Image courtesy of Reddit/garnet0
The first photo with obvious hair shedding had been taken on November 11, 2017, with the second photo taken on January 5, 2018. All it took was about a month and a half (only 56 days!) for this woman to experience some serious hair growth from Rogaine.

Image courtesy of Reddit/garnet0
Amazing, right? Now, before you run out and get yourself a bottle of Rogaine, be aware that you need to speak to your doctor first to see if you should give the product a try. Side effects—although rare—include irritated skin, burning of the scalp, headache, dizziness, weight gain and more. Additionally, it cannot be taken with certain medications, so it’s essential to get the green light from your general practitioner before attempting this for yourself.