The FDA Is Calling Major Attention to This Sneaky Ingredient

The FDA Is Calling Major Attention to This Sneaky Ingredient featured image

For as much as sugar curbs those sweet tooth cravings, it’s also the bane of our existence, causing us to hold on to unwanted pounds, instigating cellulite and leading to premature aging. Natural or artificial, sugar is in almost everything we eat (to some degree). And despite all the sugar substitutes that exist, we know that this so-bad-for-you ingredient lurks on the label of almost every food in almost every product in every grocery store. The hard part: deciphering the laundry list of chemicals and ingredients and being able to identify it in a split second.

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All that is about to change. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is purportedly upping the ante on food labels and all added sugars will need to be called attention to.

While the new design requirements probably won’t go into full effect until sometime in mid-2018, labels of both food and beverages will now clearly state just how much sugar has been added to the product. You’ll still see the serving size, calories, carbs, total fat and total amount of sugar. Also, manufacturers will have to spell out the sugar-based ingredients on the label, which means that things like evaporated cane juice will now show up as sugar, which is what it really is.  

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