
Do You Really Need to Cut Your Hair Every 6 Weeks?

Do You Really Need to Cut Your Hair Every 6 Weeks? featured image

It’s been said time and time again that the real secret to healthy hair is a mix of using the right and frequent hair cuts. “You definitely want to keep up with regular haircuts to maintain the shape of your cut and keep the ends fresh and healthy,” says stylist Thai Le of John Barrett Salon in Palm Beach, FL. “If you don’t, your hair will lose its shape and the ends will start to look dry and dull.”
So why the magic number of six weeks? It takes about that long for your hair to grow just enough that any damage that exists is visible. “On average, you should get your hair cut every four to six weeks—hair above the shoulders needs it every four weeks; longer styles can a bit longer,” says Le.
On the flipside, if you’re trying to grow your hair out long and your hair is healthy and not exposed to much damage (think heat-based styling tools, chemical processes and the sun) Le says you can probably stretch your cuts out to every eight weeks. “You can do ‘dry dustings,’ where the hair is cut dry to see exactly what needs to be taken off, to maintain a nice shape without losing the length. It’s a little more conservative so you don’t take too much off.”
To keep your hair looking its best, make sure you use moisturizing conditioning treatments, take care of your scalp and limit how much heat you’re putting on your hair, which only damages it and makes the need for a cut more necessary. “On average, hair grows about half an inch per month, so if you’re getting your hair cut every four weeks or so, just ask your stylist not to take of more than half an inch,” advises Le.

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