“Puffy, saggy or swollen eyes look tired and drooping brows make the face look sad, old or even angry,” says Spartanburg, SC, plastic surgeon Thomas Roberts, MD. “Not everyone experiences all of these changes but any, or all of them, can cause the face to look tired and older than it really is.” The eyes are the first part of the face to show the signs of aging, which can affect the upper eyelids, the lower eyelids or both. The upper lids tend to get hollow, heavy and droopy and the natural creases fade. As for the lower eyelids, they become puffy due to herniated fat that begins to bulge, and hollows that form around the bone of the eye.
“Blepharoplasty is a great way to freshen up the eyes,” says Daytona Beach, FL, plastic surgeon Carl Lentz, MD. “After this procedure, the upper lids look more open and alert, and people don’t look sad, which makes a dramatic difference in the overall look of the face,” says Dr. Carl Lentz. Upper blepharoplasty removes excess skin on the eyelids. Blepharoplasty (both upper and lower) can be performed under twilight sedation (it can also be performed under general anesthesia) and has a fairly easy and quick recovery.
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