

Can a Narrow Smile Make You Look Older?

By Olivia Wohlner July 8, 2022
Why widening your smile may take years off your face.

8 Must-Try Toothpastes Safe For Veneers

By Olivia Wohlner July 6, 2022
Because your shiny new teeth toppers deserve the best.

All the Reasons Why Veneers Are Having a Major Moment

By Olivia Wohlner July 6, 2022
Veneers have been popular since their inception, but dentists say they’ve never before been this wanted.

7 Things That Happen When You Grind Your Teeth

By Olivia Wohlner March 16, 2022
This is what happens when grinding becomes a habit.

The Bacteria-Busting Mechanism That’s Revolutionizing In-Office Teeth Cleaning

Sponsored by Swati Agarwal, DDS March 16, 2022
It’s faster, gentler and more efficient.

The Evolution of Veneers: A Cosmetic Dentist Explains How Much the Smile Mainstay Has Improved Even in the Past Decade

Sponsored by Rhonda Kalasho, DDS March 4, 2022
Because natural never goes out of style.
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