BEST Clarifying Shampoo

Product Award
K18 Peptide Prep Detox Shampoo
Pink StarPink StarPink StarPink StarPink Star

A powerful, color-safe, clarifying formula, K18 Peptide Prep Detox Shampoo gets our rave reviews for its ability to provide a gentle yet effective scalp refresh. It gets rid of pretty much any gunk that clogs the hair follicle.


Oily Hair, Scalp Health


Activated Charcoal, Salicylic Acid

Pink Quote

I was so grateful to find a color-safe detox shampoo option when I had highlighted my hair. The color has grown out, but I'm still loyal to this shampoo when I'm looking for an extra deep cleanse, and I'm not going anywhere. —Allie Hogan, senior beauty editor

Award Winner Seal


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