BEST Frizz-Fighter

Product Award
Color Wow Extra Strength Dream Coat
Pink StarPink StarPink StarPink StarPink Star

It took Color Wow founder Gail Federici over three years to figure out how to create Extra Strength Dream Coat, which stays true to the original formula but has even more moisturizing and waterproofing power for thicker, coarser hair types.


All Hair Types, Curls, Hair Styling


Calendula, Chamomile, Glycerin

Pink Quote

In an interview with Gail, she told me Extra Strength contains moisturizing ingredients and a more powerful waterproofing system than the original, making it ideal for hair that is super dehydrated or coily. 'If your hair starts to revert back to it’s natural texture on the second day, or it starts to show signs of frizz in humidity,' this one is for you. —Britt Fallon, director of beauty

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