A lot of people are dialed in on aging, watching each wrinkle get deeper and each hair go gray. Aging is a beautiful thing, it means you’re alive, but society has placed a huge focus on looking young. Many people try to tackle signs of aging with beauty products and cosmetic surgeries, which as a beauty magazine, we’re all for, but there are a lot of lifestyle choices that speed up aging that we should also be focused on.
Recently, LaserAway conducted research on the seven characteristics that can affect aging across the major cities in the U.S. The study identified the cities with the youngest-looking people and the oldest. The characteristics the study focused on included binge drinking, obesity, lack of sleep, lack of physical activity, smoking, excessive sun exposure and stress.
Some trends were clear at first glance of the data. The top four cities with the youngest-looking residents are all near the west coast. Additionally, eight of the 10 youngest-looking cities are in the northern half of the country. Among the factors, obesity, poor sleep and smoking seem to be the most influential factors in the lowest-ranking cities. Conversely, the most influential factors for the youngest-looking cities are good sleep, healthy weight and less stress.
San Francisco, CA, ranked as the city with the youngest-looking people with below-average obesity, smoking and stress and plenty of physical activity and sleep. Following San Francisco is San Jose, CA; Seattle, WA; Oakland, CA; Denver, CO; Boston, MA and Colorado Springs, CO.
On the other hand, the city with the least young-looking people is Baltimore, MD, which has above-average obesity, smoking, sun exposure and stress alongside a lack of sleep. The other lowest-ranking cities include Detroit, MI; Cincinnati, OH; Cleveland, OH; Indianapolis, IN; Philadelphia, PA and New Orleans, LA.