
One-Third of Women Are More Afraid of This Than a Cancer Diagnosis

One-Third of Women Are More Afraid of This Than a Cancer Diagnosis featured image
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Wellness isn’t only about eating healthy and exercising regularly, it’s actually much broader than that. In reality, wellness incorporates self-care that boosts health in both body and mind, and while obviously the physical aspect of wellness is important, new research is finding that mental and emotional wellness is just as critical. 

A recent study conducted by Everyday Health surveyed 3,000 American women about their personal wellness and interestingly enough, the results were shocking. While many women valued things like stress-relief, improved sleep and eating healthy, they also ranked interpersonal relationships as a major wellness definer of 2017. In fact, family and friends were found to be the “ultimate wellness allies” for most people, with almost half (46 percent) of respondents indicating that they felt “loved, cherished, supported or special to someone else.”

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Knowing this, it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that one-third of women in the survey claimed to be more afraid of loneliness than of a cancer diagnosis. Healthy relationships can majorly boost people’s mental and emotional wellbeing, and being part of a tribe helps others feel secure, supported and ultimately happy.

So, maybe add “spend more time with friends and family” to your New Year’s resolutions list. It turns out, doing this might give you the major wellness boost you need for 2018. 

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