When it comes to DIY beauty treatments, we typically file “cut your own hair” under “beauty tricks to never try”—and for good reason. While some people are able to flawlessly trim their hair to perfection, others aren’t so lucky. Need proof? Well, thanks to social media, we have yet another example for why it’s never a good idea to play DIY hairstylist on ourselves ever again.
In an Instagram post recently put up by user @respectmyhair, a woman is seen cutting her own bangs using an electric razor. The woman first brushes her hair forward, using a comb to hold the sectioned hair in place before cutting it with an electric razor. At first, the straight edge cut seems successful, but once the hair is released, it’s a whole different story.
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The results: Too short, stubby bangs sticking out awkwardly along the woman’s hairline. Not only were they spikey and unflattering, the bangs were also uneven, giving the woman a new chop that was obviously far from what she was aiming for.
Moral of the story? Leave haircutting to the pros and be extra cautious when following online tutorials—you’ll be happy you did.