If there’s one major downfall for drinking wine, it’s the overwhelming hangover that makes life the next morning borderline impossible to bear. The throbbing headache alone is enough to make you want to swear off vino for good. However, before you pack up those bottles and swear yourself to sobriety, there’s a new technology out on the market that claims to prevent red wine hangovers completely—and consumers are going crazy for it.
Chicago-based company, Üllo, swears they’ve found an answer to the dreaded headache that accompanies drinking wine. Using a filtering system that’s placed inside the wine glass before pouring, the product is able to filter out the sulfites that are believed to cause that nasty morning headache. Not only is it a good option for those who suffer from bad wine hangovers, it also makes wine-drinking possible for the 1 percent of the United States population that suffers from sulfite allergies as well.
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According to an interview with Üllo founder, scientist James Kornacki, on FoxBusiness.com, the wine filtration device uses select sulfite-capture technology that essentially pulls the sulfites out of the wine like a magnet would pull up metal, leaving everything else behind. “We don’t screw up the wine chemistry,” he explained. “Wine is one of the most complex beverages that we know of—there are about 1,000 compounds in there.”
While Üllo (which costs around $80 per device and $3 per filter) is a great option for at-home wine drinkers looking to filter their wine each time they drink it, there’s another wine filter on the market that might be a better option for filtering your wine on-the-go. The Wand by PureWine also filters out sulfite preservatives and histamines, however, this option comes in a bit cheaper, retailing for $25 for eight filters. The catch? It’s only recommended for one use per 6 ounces of wine, meaning those eight filters might only last about a week depending on your wine consumption.
So, wine aficionados have more than one option if they’re looking for a way to drink that extra glass of Merlot this holiday season. If it can actually prevent wine hangovers forever, it’s certainly worth adding to your wish list.