“Organic” is a term used by the USDA to describe fruits, vegetables and other crops that are grown according to strict guidelines. If a cosmetic contains or is made up of agricultural ingredients and can meet the production, handling, processing and labeling standards set by the agency’s national organic program, it may be eligible for certification as either “organic” or “100% organic.”
Here are five factors to help you make educated decisions about genuinely organic beauty:
•Land. The land used to produce an organic crop must be free of synthetic fertilizers and most conventional pesticides for three years prior to harvesting, and have defined boundaries.
•Farming practices. Organic products do not contain ingredients that have been genetically engineered or exposed to radiation, which is commonly used to kill bacteria and insects in conventional agricultural products.
•Ingredients. In general, products labeled “organic” are free of synthetic ingredients.
•Protecting the environment. Crops must be harvested in a manner that is not destructive to the environment.
•Certification. The farming practices, handling and manufacturing of both the ingredients and the final product must be certified by a USDA-accredited agent.
Happy Earth Day from NewBeauty and DailyBeauty!