
Victoria Beckham Ditches Her Fake Tan to Look Younger

Victoria Beckham Ditches Her Fake Tan to Look Younger featured image
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Since the days of the Spice Girls, Victoria Beckham ( a.k.a. Posh Spice) has been fighting her English skin tone—applying fake tanner by the boatloads. But no more, she says. The 38-year-old, mother of four declared that she has made the concerted effort to ditch self tanner. 

“I don’t wear fake tan anymore,” Victoria recently stated in an interview. She notes that she has been turned orange on too many occasions and that in an anti-aging effort; she’s found it best to embrace her natural coloring. “Being overly tanned is very ageing and, dare I say it, a bit footballer’s wife.”

One thing is for sure when looking at past pictures of the star—her skin looks to have cleared up immensely since going au natural. Many women, in fact, might find that halting their faux tanning activates might help stop breakouts. While there are formulas made to tan your skin and fight acne, many self-tanning formulas contain oils and moisturizers that clog pores and exasperate breakouts. Then again, Victoria’s clearer skin could also be attributed to her regular visits to Beverly Hills, CA, dermatologist Harold Lancer, MD. The fashion icon swears by the Lancer Skin Care Method.

If you’re not ditching the self-tanner anytime soon, follow these tips to ensure your tan is long-lasting and streak-free.

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