As we age, the veins in our legs weaken, and added pressure from pregnancy or excessive standing can cause them to enlarge and bulge. Genetics play a role as well. In some cases, varicose and spider veins can become more than an aesthetic nuisance if left untreated. If you have unsightly leg veins and you experience pain, discomfort or leg fatigue, have the veins evaluated by a physician.
Leg vein prevention
If you have varicose veins (or a strong family history of leg veins), it’s best to avoid long periods of standing or sitting. You should also take rest breaks throughout the day to elevate your legs above heart level and avoid heavy lifting and putting unnecessary pressure on or crossing your legs. As an extra precaution, you can also wear support hose to promote proper circulation. Last, if you’re prone to leg veins, try to limit your salt intake, as excess sodium can cause swelling in the lower extremities that makes circulation more difficult.
Did you know?
Spider veins aren’t really broken blood vessels. They’re small, superficial veins that grow in response to weight gain, pregnancy, hormonal shifts, certain medications and lifestyle factors such as prolonged sitting or standing.
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